URL Dispatching

Registering Controller

You can write dispatcher in yourpacake/matching.py like this:

from matcha import Matching as m, bundle
from .views import DashbordController, PageController

matching = bundle(
    m('/', DashbordController(), name='dashbord'),
    m('/page/{slug}', PageController(), name='page'),

Then, client accessing:

localhost/:DashboardController will be dispatched
 PageController will be dispatched
 also PageController will be dispatched

Uiro is using matcha dispatcher. For more details about dispatching, watch matcha documentation.

Getting URL arguments from request

When accessing ‘/page/hello_word’, you can that ‘slug’ value in your views.

>>> # In your views
>>> request.matched_dict['slug']

Getting URL for each controllers

request.matching.reverse('page', slug='hello_world')

request.matching is actually same value with matching object constructed by above example. Uiro watches matching object and call controllers, then it assigns taken matching object to request object.

Actually behavior

To choice which Controller should be called, Uiro is using matcha dispatcher. Uiro will automatically construct application from a matching object of matcha specified by configuration .ini file.

In .ini file, the uiro.root_matching is key to specify core matching object for your application. the value should be splittable by colon (‘:’), then, the left value is path to module to store your root matching object, and the right value is it’s name.

If you write a setting like this:

uiro.root_matching = path.to.yourmodule:matchingobject

follow matching object will be used as root matching to construct your application.

# In path.to.yourmodule module.
matchingobject = Matching('/', SomeWSGIApp())

Constructed application will call SomeWSGIApp when the PATH_INFO is ‘/’.

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